السبت، 10 ديسمبر 2016

Op-Ed I’m a former CIA officer and a Democrat. Here’s what Obama still doesn’t get about terrorism

Op-Ed I’m a former CIA officer and a Democrat. Here’s what Obama still doesn’t get about terrorism

President Obama on Tuesday conveyed his last resistance of the country's counter-psychological warfare technique. He legitimately asserted advance on various fronts, including the demise of Osama container Laden, a conclusion to waterboarding and the successful utilization of automatons to murder psychological militants. Only one week after the Islamic State-roused assault in Columbus, Ohio, he likewise repeated that there is no "war between the United States and Islam." Islamic State and Al Qaeda, he said, don't represent Muslims all over the place. 

To me and a significant number of my previous partners at the Central Intelligence Agency, such proclamations mirror Obama's most prominent blind side in his battle against psychological oppression: he has been unwilling to recognize that Islamic belief system assumes a part in what persuades fear mongers to strike. In the mean time, men like Imam Bujar Hysa, an imprisoned pastor in Albania, outline the war on psychological oppression briefly: "Islam can coincide with different religions, yet with vote based system? No!" 

Hysa isn't an irregularity. He is a Salafist Muslim — a faction additionally called Wahhabi — who takes after a ultraconservative arrangement of convictions engendered by Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab countries. Wahhabis don't trust in a partition of chapel (mosque) and state. For them, government ought to be comprised of religious pastors — and just ministers — that utilization the Koran to legitimize their choices. 

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Is it accurate to say that we are at war with the entire of Islam, or would it be advisable for us to be? Obviously not. Be that as it may, Islam is a confidence in emergency. 

President-elect Donald Trump's picked national security guide, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, has taken a stab at clarifying this — though in inconsiderate terms — by saying that "Islam is a political belief system in light of a religion." 

Flynn's ineffectively worded cautioning comes for a fact, and he realizes what happens when religious pioneers assume control governments. Ladies confront broad separation. Gay individuals are detained or slaughtered. Moving, music and different types of craftsmanship are banned. What's more, the individuals who reprimand Islam or change over to Christianity confront jail or demise. 

In any case, what causes the most alert to national security specialists is the Wahhabi goal of worldwide triumph. Islamic State and Al Qaeda are fear monger bunches based on Wahhabi belief system. They need to oversee the world under sharia law, and they are more than willing to accomplish their objectives through constrain. Islamic State is known for executing its casualties or smoldering them alive. Furthermore, as we found in Columbus, they're moving armies of supporters. 

Which takes us back to Imam Hysa and his home country Albania. The modest Balkan nation has a greater part Muslim populace that — up to this point — had a convention of direct, tolerant Islam. Yet, the nation is amidst Wahhabi radicalization, spread by Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf benefactors. The outcome? More than 100 natives of Albania are currently affirmed to have battled for Islamic State. That is generally an indistinguishable number from those sent from much bigger countries, for example, Italy and Spain. 

Albania is not the only one. The most effortless focuses for Wahhabis are littler nations and spots where destitution and debasement run profound. Consider the battling country of Kosovo. Radical ministers and hidden affiliations have transformed an once-tolerant Muslim society into a textual style of fanaticism. 

In Afghanistan as well, Saudi Arabia and its destructive strain of Islam are destroying devastation. 

Psychological oppression specialists comprehend that bigger, more steady countries are under risk also. In Germany, the administration as of late propelled a huge attack on the Wahhabi evangelist gather "The True Religion" due to its binds to Islamic State. This crackdown took after a rush of assaults on the German individuals the previous summer. In the expressions of Berlin's Interior Minister, Islamic psychological warfare is Germany's most prominent local security risk. In a questionable stride days prior, German Chancellor Angela Merkel added her vocal resistance to the full-confronted cover — a Salafist prerequisite for female admirers. 

The United States has additionally endured the results of Islamist fanaticism and those propelled by the radical philosophy. We recollect San Bernardino. Boston. Ft. Hood. Little Rock. Festoon. Chattanooga. Ft. Dix. Orlando. Shanksville. New York. Washington. 

Muslims have each privilege to sit at the American table in the event that they bolster the Constitution. We ought to all gladly recognize overcome ladies and men like my previous CIA partner who drove our country's war on psychological warfare for over 15 years; he's Shiite Muslim. This officer — whom I can't name since he's still authoritatively under cover—was savage in his chase for radical executioners, and he merits an award for his years of relinquish. 

It is safe to say that we are at war with the entire of Islam, or would it be a good idea for us to be? Obviously not. Yet, Islam is a confidence in emergency, and to prevent that specific strains from securing the religion are adding to worldwide unsteadiness is to deny reality. 

Following eight years as president, Obama still doesn't comprehend that. 

With fortunes and knowledge, President Trump will admission better. My trust is that he and others in his organization will make a special effort to grasp steadfast Muslim Americans, even as they freely recognize that this glad confidence is attempting to shed itself of a malignant insidiousness.

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